Course content

In order for you to meet the course objectives and learning outcomes that are set out, the course content includes:

A1/A2/A3 Background theory, research outcomes, legal knowledge and understanding and application of process in:

  • Mediation, and in particular as it applies to models of child inclusive practice
  • Family systems theory, attachment and separation, child development
  • Communication including issues of culture, age, gender, disability and level of understanding
  • The emotional and practical impact of separation, divorce and family transition for children and adults (including the extended family)
  • Parental conflict, power imbalances and the emotional and psychological emotional effects on children and adults
  • Domestic abuse and capacity, safeguarding from harm
  • Relevant law and legislation in private family matters
  • Relevant legislation in relation to UNCRC, HRA, equality and inclusion
  • Legislation and statutory guidelines in relation to safeguarding and domestic abuse/violence
  • Definitions, principles and ethical practice in child inclusive mediation
  • The range of applicable models for practice
  • The role of other statutory family justice agencies
  • The role of other professionals e.g. voluntary agencies, child professionals health and children’s mental health services
  • Confidentiality as it applies to child inclusive practice
  • Effective communication with children and young people

B1/2 Performance Skills: Working with parents/carers, Meeting with children/young people

  • Applying mediation principles and skills within child inclusive practice
  • Appropriate application of ethics in practice
  • Working with a co-mediator or child professional
  • Assessment and continuous assessment of suitability and appropriateness
  • Appropriate policies in relation to safeguarding and protection from harm including providing sensitive explanations
  • Assessing for risk in a child inclusive setting at all stages
  • Policies, procedures and documents related to child inclusive practice with parents
  • Explaining child inclusive practice and the child’s rights perspective to parents
  • Providing feedback to parents without assumption or interpretation and maintain the parents’ focus

Working with children and young people:

  • Establishing safe and appropriate environments
  • Selecting appropriate ways of working with individual children and sibling groups
  • Listening to children and young people and providing effective and age appropriate explanations
  • Drafting age appropriate documentation
  • Working sensitively and being responsive to culture, gender, ability, race and/or any diverse need
  • Providing age appropriate information and assistance to children and young people
  • Supporting children and young people dealing with family transition or change
  • Skills to support children and young people (e.g. acknowledging, normalising and appropriate use of questions)
  • Provision of ongoing support, feedback and signposting
  • Assisting the child in formulating any messages for their parents without interpreting their views
  • Appropriate closing and endings

Course content is delivered by:

Distance learning and study

Outline materials will be provided to you and will include:

  • Pre-course reading
  • Pre-course/Post Course assignment/s and project work

Assignments are set as ‘open book’ examinations and must be returned by the due date given

Attended module

Presentation by the trainers, usually with PowerPoint (which will be provided to you for adding to your folders). Questions and discussions on the topics presented is encouraged

Overnight reading and preparation

Small group exercises – these vary throughout the course and include:

  • Case and agency studies
  • Set questions for discussion
  • Experiential exercises

Large group exercises and discussion – these vary throughout the course and include:

  • Experiential exercises
  • Whole group feedback related to role-played situations
  • Large group discussion on themes in mediation practice and particularly as it relates to child inclusive practice
  • Large group discussion in relation the regulatory or governing aspects of practice
  • Discussions in relation to children and young people as contributing members of their family
  • Individual feedback between trainer and participant (please note, these opportunities are usually arranged during part of the lunch hour or before or after the start or finish of each day)

Role play – role-plays of child inclusive cases. Full information and instructions are provided in relation to each role-played situation. We believe that role-play should be a positive learning experience for all those involved, and we set out and manage how role-play will work within the group. It is very important to us that you feel as comfortable as possible in taking part in role-played situations and your trainers are always on hand and available to anyone who wishes to discuss any aspect of role-play.

Video presentation – there will be opportunities to observe and discuss video presentation regarding children, young people and the effect of separation and transition. Video will also be used to consider e.g. high emotion and emotional readiness in parents and in respect of theoretical perspectives relating to e.g. child development, conflict theory etc.

Additional course materials – As the course progresses, you will be provided with additional course materials, these include:

  • Additional theoretical papers
  • Papers related to specific subjects e.g., policies in relation to safeguarding from harm
  • Skills based papers e.g. communicating with children and young people, language primer
  • Example documents, templates and guidance notes

A self-assessment log recording your reflections of your own progress during the three days of the course

Please note

Groups are subject to adult learners group learning principles. We ask that everyone agrees to have respect and consideration for each other, for confidentiality within the group and to support one another personally and as professionals. We are proud that our mediation training attracts very positive feedback from those who have attended it and we hope that it will a course that is enjoyable and informative for you too.