Podcast: Financial Adviser Scheme: why you should consider specialist accreditation
In this podcast, Tom Farrell and Mike Caffyn discuss what makes family law a distinctive and compelling area to work in for financial advisers, and how getting Resolution's specialist accreditation can help develop your career.
Resolution’s Specialist Accreditation is a mark of excellence representing an outstanding level of skill and expertise, recognised by government, firms and prospective clients.
Tom Farrell and Mike Caffyn discuss what makes family law a distinctive and compelling area to work in for financial advisers, and how getting Resolution’s specialist accreditation can help develop your career. Both Tom and Mike sit on Resolution’s Specialist Accreditation Committee for the Financial Adviser Scheme.
This podcast was recorded on 2nd September 2019.
Further reading
Further Links
More about Specialist Accreditation
Resolution Specialist Accreditation For Lawyers Prospectus 2019
Resolution Financial Adviser Specialist Accreditation Prospectus 2019