Finding help during family breakdown

There are a number of badges and icons that denote professionals committed to working constructively during family breakdown.

Understanding where to seek help during family breakdown can be daunting. Below we look at the different badges and icons family practitioners use in England and Wales and what they mean.

All Resolution members are committed to working in a non-confrontational way and putting the needs of any children first. Use our search to find a Resolution professional near you.

  • With a Resolution member the focus will be on helping you to achieve an outcome that works for you and for the future of everyone involved.
  • If you are a parent, a Resolution member will always help you to put your children and their needs first.
  • Our members realise the importance of helping you sort things out fairly and in a way that works for you and for all the family.
  • Using this approach could cost you less – emotionally and financially – and is likely to be better and longer lasting than if a court imposes a solution on you.

Find a Resolution member

Resolution Member logo

Resolution Members and Associates are family law professionals committed to Resolution's Code of Practice. They agree to working in a constructive way with families and putting the needs of any children first. Resolution Members are legal professionals, including laywers, paralegals, barristers, collaborative practitioners, mediators and arbitrators.

Resolution Associate logo

Resolution Associates are trusted partners, such as Financial Advisers and Family Therapists who can play an important supporting role during family breakdown to ensure your family can reach the best possible outcome.

Resolution Specialist logo

The Resolution Specialist logo denotes Resolution members with an expertise in a particular field of family law. They have undergone a rigorous assessment to prove their abilities and the way they work with you and other people. Specialists can provide support in a number of areas, including children, finances and cohabitation.

Government HSSF mark

The HSSF mark is awarded by the government to professionals who support parents to work together to resolve disputes and help them focus on the interests of their children. More information is available on the government's Sorting our Separation website.