Mediation Foundation Training Assessment Criteria For Courses

Assessments are made using the following:

  • FMC Competencies: These are the competencies that all mediators will be able to demonstrate or evidence for their eventual accreditation. We use these same competencies as a guide to assessment in your foundation course but at an introductory or initial level. The competencies can be found in Appendix 2 of the FMC Manual (see pages 17 – 21)
  • The FMC Code of Practice: This sets out the principles and ethical behaviours expected of all family mediators.
  • Course objectives and learning outcomes: Trainers will be using both as part of their assessment of your progress.

The following headings provide an indication of what the trainers will be looking for in assessing trainees’ progression towards and transition into family mediators ready to commence practice with the support of their Professional Practice Consultant.

Overall, trainees will be expected to demonstrate actively through use of their communication skills, whether verbal or non-verbal in role plays, their overall participation as a member of the course in small and large group discussions and through their demonstration of knowledge secured from guided study/distance learning and written assignments that they are ready to begin practice as a mediator with the support of their Professional Practice Consultant.

  • Personal skills and attributes: Demonstrating empathy, understanding, non-judgemental attitude, ability to work in a balanced and even-handed way.
  • Communication skills: Listening, questioning, acknowledging, summarising and reflecting.
  • Process management: Assessing risk and appropriateness, awareness and application of principles and ethical practice, ability to manage the process effectively, provide information effectively, drafting documents to required standards.
  • Facilitation: Skills of engagement, management of high emotion and conflict, facilitating client discussions and negotiation both in regard to their children and finances, helping clients to develop options and assisting with impasse.

Trainers make their assessments by observation of role-plays and contributions during the course, by individual discussion with you as you progress and assessment of the written assignments you are required to complete as part of the course. As stated elsewhere, assessments are not on a pass/fail basis but based on an overall assessment of whether you have reached a standard where you have been able to demonstrate the core competencies at an appropriate level, have confidence in your knowledge and skills and are ready to start your practice with the support of your chosen Professional Practice Consultant.