Nominations now open for John Cornwell Award 2020

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Launched in 2013, the Award recognises a Resolution member or group who have gone the extra mile in their work to support separating families. The Award celebrates those unsung heroes who go above and beyond to promote the Code of Practice and Resolution’s core value of a non-confrontational approach. We would like to thank Iceberg Client Credit for once again sponsoring this year’s award.

Last year saw Elaine Richardson win the prize in recognition of her 30-year career working to develop non-confrontational approaches to family law. When asked about Elaine Richardson’s win, Resolution chair Margaret Heathcote said:

Elaine’s work throughout her career has embodied the values that Resolution stands for – finding the right approach for each family while minimising confrontation and conflict.

Nominations should outline the reasons why an individual or group of individuals should be considered and set out details of the outstanding contribution they have made. The award will be presented at Resolution’s National Conference.

If you’re interested in getting involved, just follow these simple steps.