Season 1

Listen to all episodes of the first series of Talking Family Law – the official Resolution podcast.

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Episode 1: Brexit – A Pretty Catchy Title

About this episode

Hosted by: Anita Mehta and Simon Blain.

Guests: Pauline Fowler (Chair, Resolution’s Pensions Tax and Financial Remedy Committee), Daniel Eames (Chair, Resolution’s International Committee) and Tim Amos QC about the key implications for family lawyers of Brexit.

They discuss specifically: issues regarding divorce jurisdiction, forum and recognition now the UK has left the European Union.

Further information

Resolution’s International Committee have recorded two webinar updates that consider the key issues for members as of December 2020.

Guide to International Family Law
This was updated in January 2021 to take account of the changes with Brexit.

Episode 2: The case for cohabitation law reform

About this episode

Hosted by: Anita Mehta and Simon Blain.

  • Jo Miles (Reader in Family Law & Policy, Director of Studies and Fellow in Law, Trinity College, University of Cambridge)
  • Lucia Clark (Partner, Morton Fraser LLP, Edinburgh)
  • Graeme Fraser (Chair, Cohabitation Committee and Partner, OGR Stock Denton)

They discuss the case for cohabitation law reform in the light of experiences north and south of the border.

Further information

Cohabitation Agreements

How to draft a cohabitation agreement

Cohabitation Claims – 2nd Edition

Webinar: Anglo-Scottish Separation – Cohabitation Law North and South of the Border
Includes: Kate Dowdalls QC, Scottish Law Commissioner and Professor Nicholas Hopkins, England and Wales Law Commissioner

Running cohabitation claims with confidence
Workshop with Rhys Taylor and Andrzej Bojarski

Resolution Cohabitation Committee

Episode 3: Transparency – the very soul of justice

About this episode

Hosted by: Anita Mehta and Simon Blain.

  • Louise Tickle (Journalist and committee member of The Transparency Project)
  • Professor Celia Kitzinger (School of Law and Politics, Cardiff University and co-founder Open Justice Court of Protection Project)

Louise Tickle and Celia Kitzinger discuss the work they are involved in to bring greater transparency in the operations of the Family Court and Court of Protection.

Further information

Open Justice Court of Protection Project
The Transparency Project
Louise Tickle’s website
Open Family Court Project


Episode 4: Presumptively persuasive – pensions on divorce

About this episode

Hosted by: Anita Mehta and Simon Blain.

  • Paul Cobley (Oak Barn Financial Planning)
  • George Mathieson (Mathieson Consulting)
  • Rhys Taylor (The 36 Group)

They discuss the work they are involved in to produce better guidance both for practitioners and the public on the issue of pensions on divorce.

Further information and resources

Pensions On Divorce – Interdisciplinary Group
PAG Report
Advice Now – Pensions

Episode 5: Domestic Abuse Act 2021 – Once in a generation

About this episode

Hosted by: Simon Blain.

  • Cris McCurley (Partner, Ben Hoare Bell)
  • Pragna Patel (Southall Black Sisters and Women Against Fundamentalism)

They discuss their hopes and concerns for the Domestic Abuse Act 2021 which received royal assent earlier this year. They also consider other developments such as the publication of the “Assessing Risk of Harm to Children and Parents in Private Law Children Cases” and the recent case of Re H-N.

Further information and resources

Domestic Abuse Bill – Overarching factsheet
Assessing risk to harm report
Judgement – Re H-N and Others
Southall Black Sisters

Episode 6: The right thing to do | w/ Prof Jo Delahunty QC

About this episode

Hosted by: Anita Mehta and Simon Blain.

  • Prof Jo Delahunty QC

They discuss her work promoting diversity in the legal profession, her thoughts on the Court of Appeal case of Re H-N and on dealing with cases of abuse within the legal profession.

Further information and resources

Gresham College – Professor Jo Delahunty QC
Bridging the Bar
Speakers for Schools

Episode 7: Child support – in search of a simpler formula | w/ Rachel Spicer and James Pirrie

About this episode

Hosted by: Anita Mehta and Simon Blain.

In this episode, host Simon Blain talks to Rachel Spicer and James Pirrie about their approach to cases involving the Child Maintenance Service.

Episode 8: Finding the Middle Ground – Parental Alienation and High Conflict

About this episode

Hosted by: Anita Mehta and Simon Blain.

‘Finding the middle ground’ – in this episode Dr Mark Berelowitz (Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist) and Alex Verdan KC discuss how to manage parental alienation and high conflict cases.

With Resolution’s thanks to Louise Tickle for a correction in the law from the first episode.

Episode 9: When two worlds collide – TOLATA and the CPR for family lawyers

About this episode

Hosted by: Anita Mehta and Simon Blain.

In this episode, host Simon Blain and Anita Mehta talk to Brie Stevens-Hoare QC and Charlotte John about the intersection between civil and family proceedings.

Further information and resources

Pickering v Hughes & Ors [2021] EWHC 1672 (Ch)

Assembling a TOLATA case