Lawyers’ accreditation
Lawyer members applying for Specialist Accreditation must demonstrate a thorough knowledge of law, procedure and practice. Their skills, proficiency and experience in specialist areas of family law are also assessed.
To achieve Resolution accredited status, you must pass two assignments:
- The Core Assignment: an open-book assignment, taken over a set weekend, which assesses your ability to fulfil the competencies set out in the Prospectus.
- Portfolio Assignments: the creation of two portfolios of work to prove you have the knowledge and experience outlined in the Prospectus in two different topic areas. You will have approximately eight weeks to complete the portfolio assignments.
We run two rounds of accreditation each year and you can take the assignments in the same round or separately.
Rounds are held from March and September each year. Dates for the next round are available here.
We publish the level of knowledge and experience (the competencies) you need in order to pass the accreditation in the Prospectus. This means you can assess whether you feel you are ready to apply or not. Our assessors mark against the same competencies that you can read in the prospectus, the process is open, transparent and robust.
Portfolio assignments are available in the following subjects:
- Adoption
- Advocacy – Financial Remedy Proceedings
- Advocacy – Private Law Children
- Child Abduction
- Children Law – Private
- Children Law – Public
- Cohabitation and TOLATA
- Complex Financial Remedies 1 (complex low income and assets)
- Complex Financial Remedies 2 (complex middle/high income and assets)
- Domestic Abuse
- Financial Provision for Children
- Harmful Cultural Practices (Forced Marriage & Honour Based Violence)
- Insolvency
- International
- Pensions
- Preserving & locating family assets (Emergency Procedures in Financial Remedies)