Introducing … the Resolution Alumni project

In 2023 Resolution launched its Alumni project – offering those retiring from practice the opportunity to stay connected with the profession, their peers and Resolution, whilst providing the opportunity to share their expertise, knowledge and wisdom with our practicing members

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away I was the National Chair of Resolution. Some of you may know that I was trained by John Cornwell, and so Resolution ran through my career from the very outset. But now I have retired from practice and although I am still part of the National Committee (having been co-opted to represent the Alumni project which I will touch on here), there is a looming hole where Resolution used to be.

Are you like me and find it hard to go “cold turkey” on Resolution just because you are stepping back or retiring from practice?  If so, the new Resolution Alumni could be the solution.

Earlier in the year, I agreed to head up (for the time being!) a working party of Vintage Res members with a view to establishing a new category of membership for those who may have left the hurly burly of practice behind them but who still want to contribute to Resolution; to engage with it, and to benefit from the many resources which it offers. The new Resolution Alumni launched in January 2023.

To date, non-practicing members have had the option of becoming a “Supporter”, but this does not fully recognise their longstanding commitment to the organisation, keeping them on the periphery rather than recognising and embracing the contribution they can still make to developing and promoting our Code and our values. Over the years we must have lost a huge amount of potential wisdom and experience by losing members in this way. Losing knowledge and experience which I think is very valuable to the continuing health and development of the organisation.

In 2023 we are celebrating 40 years of Resolution. From John Cornwell calling the first meeting of the Solicitors’ Family Law Association in Conway Hall, to our intervention in the Supreme Court in the landmark case of Owens, as an organisation we have come a very long way in that time. From a vision of a world where divorcing couples could hope to do so with dignity and with the best interests of their children at heart, rather than descending into the bear pit of civil litigation, represented by a like-minded professional, we have become a broadchurch membership organisation of 6,500 family justice professionals pioneering wholly new ways of working (Resolution Together, for example), an organisation routinely consulted by government and policy makers. We have a huge amount to be proud of, and a huge amount to look forward to.

None of what we have achieved could have been done without our members, many of whom have been engaged from the very beginning of their careers, and even some from the very beginning of Resolution itself.

I hope the creation of a Resolution Alumni will enable individuals, who we’d otherwise lose from our ranks, to stay connected with the profession, their peers and Resolution, whilst providing the opportunity to share their expertise, knowledge and wisdom to our practicing members.

The Working Party is currently developing what Resolution can offer its Alumni. We are planning to hold an event in the new year and, just as importantly, we are looking into what the Alumni might offer existing members.

If you would like to join me and become one of the first to join the Resolution Alumni, know someone who would, or would just simply like to find out more, then we would be delighted to hear from you. You can join here or contact Ken Savage-Brookes: