“One of life’s greats”: a tribute to David Woodward

As Resolution acknowledged when he was nominated for the John Cornwell Award, David Woodward, who has passed away, made “an outstanding contribution to the legal profession and to the development of family law”. He contributed significantly at both a local and a national level to shape legal processes and to improve the way in which we all approach family law cases today.

David was involved in the establishment of Bristol Courts Family Conciliation Service, the country’s first conciliation service. He was secretary in the 1980s and tasked with encouraging sceptical Bristol solicitors to consider conciliation. This developed into what is now Bristol Family Mediation. Mediation has now been wholeheartedly accepted not only by family lawyers, but also in civil litigation, and more recently by the government, which now sees mediation as an essential part of dispute resolution.

David joined the Bristol Resolution (then Bristol SFLA) committee in the 1980s and was chair in the 1990s. He participated in lectures and seminars, liaised with the judiciary, wrote newsletters, organised social events and “flew the Bristol flag” at Regional Liaison Committee meetings.

In fact his contribution to Resolution over the years was so extensive that Word has just suggested it may be better to use a list format. So, David:

  • led the development, adoption and upholding of the Code
  • edited the 2012 Guide to Good Practice
  • was part of the management team on the Executive Committee
  • led the response to government consultations
  • managed and developed the Accreditation Scheme
  • contributed the Divorce chapter in the Resolution Family Law Handbook
  • presented dozens of workshops and seminars

As Alison Bull – who worked with him for many years on the Standards Committee – sums up, David was “a Resolution stalwart, a thoroughly decent, kind and dedicated family practitioner”. And the same theme runs through all the quotes gathered for this piece:

“It was a privilege to watch one of the very best in action and to learn from him. As well as being a great boss he was always so friendly whether that was at my initial ‘interview’ (pint in the pub!) or our inevitable chats about the performance of Bristol Rugby (as was) every Monday following the games at the weekend.” Matthew Humphries, Stewarts

“A wonderfully positive, kind and calm person… One of life’s greats. A really good man.” Nicky Howarth, Harbour Family Law

“David was always incredibly supportive of the team here at Resolution, and his expertise helped lay the groundwork for the organisation we are today. That support always came with a smile on his face, occasionally a cheeky wink, and a kind word for everyone.” Claire Easterman, Resolution Director of Operations

“It was a privilege to learn from David in the early years of my career – he was a superb role model and mentor. I have fond memories of David sharing amusing tales from his early career, and proud stories about his children, on many a long train journey together after meetings and court.” Sarah Green, Michelmores


A lifetime of achievements

  • Elected to Resolution’s National Committee, within a year he was National Secretary. He
    was also Chair of the Standards Committee, and a member of the Accreditation, Executive and Complaints Committees.
  • David was ranked for years in Legal 500 and Chambers as a ‘Leader in his field’. Earlier in life, he actually worked in a field – on a farm that is now Bluewater Shopping Centre.
  • His proudest cycling achievement was cycling from the south west tip of Europe in Portugal to Trondheim in Norway.
  • A huge fan of Bristol Rugby Club, at an away game in Newcastle, the opposing team’s coach moved seats to get away from him due to the volume of his shouting.