The Review
Reflections on YRes National conference November 2024
Introducing Courtney Legal
Promoting legal wellbeing and empowerment through visual learning Courtney is the first audio-visual law library in this country, featuring short animations of hearings and NCDR sessions
A therapist’s view: No trespassing!
Boundaries act as a blueprint for our relationships with others, so it is important to pause and ...
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Equality, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: the reverse mentoring approach
As part of a broader, evolving framework reverse mentoring could be a paradigm shift in professio...
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Wellbeing: The silent struggles of family practitioners
Why seeking help, setting boundaries, and prioritising wellbeing is so difficult
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Top tech tips
In an increasingly digital world, there are more and more things to consider in terms of keeping ...
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Policy update: Our 2024 policy work in review
Mediation and suitability: What’s the answer?
An informal survey of experienced mediators sought views on how to assess suitability within the ...
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Standish and the Married Women’s Property Act 1882
The Supreme Court will have the last word, but the facts in Standish raise some very odd issues a...
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Enhancing efficiency and compliance: bundles
By following a number of best practices when preparing bundles, solicitors can ensure counsel has the most efficient tools needed to represent the client effectively
Parental alienation: guidance from the Family Justice Council
Year of the Code: Calming the storm – a YRes perspective
Year of the Code: How language can help parent focus on what really matters
Year of the Code: the changing role of the barrister
Year of the Code: A change for good
News from the CEO: A pledge to the Code
View from the Chair
We have achieved plenty, but we can’t sit still in 2025. I am incredibly proud of what we have ac...
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Issue 233 Nov / Dec 2024
Welcome to issue 233 of The Review!
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Our Vision for Family Justice: family law fit for purpose
NEW! A Therapist’s View
Relationship therapist Adele Ballantyne, of Eleda consultancy, introduces her new series of columns, which starts by asking us to examine our own relationships
The Parenting through Separation guide – a YRes perspective
Earlier this year, the second version of the Parenting Through Separation guide was released, produced by Resolution’s Parenting After Parting Committee
Resolution pays tribute to Jane Wilson
Earlier this year Resolution lost one of its leading lights: Jane Wilson. In Elaine Richardson’s words, “Jane felt very passionately about the work of Resolution. She will be dearly missed and her legacy will live on by continuing to have a positive impact on future generations of family law professionals. Jane will forever remain a cherished part of our community.
Changing the language of divorce: towards a less confrontational vernacular in legal practice
Some fairly simple changes to the words we use in divorce proceedings could help reduce the sense of conflict and hostility

The A to Z of surrogacy and fertility terms
News from the CEO
View from the Chair: Make the Code of Practice your New Year’s Resolution
Opinion: Child contact – is the problem really with the statutory presumption?

Why be a legal aid lawyer?
October Budget: how has the pensions landscape changed?

Meet the committee member: Oluwapelumi Amanda Adeola
France, Germany, England and Wales: perspectives on international movement of children
This conference set out the fundamental differences and similarities between three of the biggest European jurisdictions when it comes to international children disputes
Introducing Resolution’s report on Domestic abuse in financial remedy proceedings
The findings and recommendations aim to help shape the future of how courts deal with this issue. There are also many steps we can take in our own work to protect victim survivors
Cafcass launches Domestic Abuse Practice Policy
The new Cafcass domestic abuse policy places the child’s experience centre stage, and recognises that there is no such thing as 'historical abuse'

International Considerations of Spousal Maintenance
An increasing number of divorces now involve international elements, and the spousal maintenance issues involved are fraught with complexity
National YRes Conference 2024
Bookings are now open for the National YRes Conference on Friday 8 November 2024 at the Hilton, Tower Bridge, London. If you are in the first ten years of practice within family law and a member of YRes, then this event is for you!
Hadkinson Orders: ‘I Can’t Hear You!’
Draconian and tightly constrained, Hadkinson orders are nonetheless an effective tool in the righ...
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How to get the most from forensic accountants in family financial proceedings
Legal Aid: New contract, new government … but will anything change?
A short update from the Legal Aid Committee as we are in a bit of a limbo at the moment!
News from the CEO: Awarding excellence
Money laundering: risk management for family lawyers
Complying with anti-money laundering rules and the SRA’s requirements is onerous, but there may b...
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Meet the Committee Member
A Spotlight on Surviving Economic Abuse
Top tips for nuptial agreements
Reality checking expectations and an awareness of the often very emotive nature of these agreemen...
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Vision for Family Justice: Finding solutions for families both in and out of court
With the court system crumbling before our eyes, there is much that Resolution and individual members can do to help smooth the processes. Perhaps most importantly, that means diverting as many clients as possible towards better solutions
Introducing the Asian Single Parents Network
Emotional management and preparation before mediation
While the procedural aspects of mediation are vital, emotional preparation is equally, if not more, important to ensure a successful and productive outcome
Q&A with Gina Samuels-Richards
The first President of the Leicestershire Law Society of African heritage discusses the varied tasks she set out to achieve
Hearing clients’ stories in mediation
Allowing the parties time to about the past is a crucial stage and scene-setter for successful me...
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Five eyes: the power of hybrid mediation
For any number of reasons and client circumstances, an integrated team can be a hugely powerful approach to mediation
Introducing Hybrid mediation
“Stay calm, think flexibly and focus on the outcome!”
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Mind the Fair Shares Gap
With reform of financial remedies potentially on the cards, what should be the starting points for meaningful change?
Issue 232 Sep / Oct 2024
Welcome to issue 232 of The Review!
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Book review

Meet the committee member: Lucy Loizou
Resolution Conference 2024 – view from a first-timer
The Resolution Conference 2024 was the first I have attended and it did not disappoint - in fact,...
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“One of life’s greats”: a tribute to David Woodward
The Psychology of Family Practice: What if?
What if, in order to *really* change things in family law, we started at the beginning and not at the end? What if family law firms routinely selected trainees with social work, sociology and psychology degrees as well as those with law degrees?
IFA column: Work together better
It’s fair to say that when solicitors and IFAs work together, the client outcomes are typically better. I think it’s also fair to say that the clients themselves come away with more reassurance and confidence about their future, especially financially. So, why doesn’t this teamwork happen more often? And, when it does happen, what does “good” look like?

Free to be me
How might our own personal philosophies interact with our daily practice?
OPINION: A dangerous presumption?
I believe the culture of parental contact has gone too far, and by urging courts to grant it, we ...
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A whistlestop tour of Family Mediation Legal Aid contracts
The deadline for new contract tenders has passed and the votes are being counted! Mediation, like many categories of work, is vastly undersubscribed, and it is very much hoped that there will be an increase in family mediation contracts being confirmed.
Introducing the Southall Black Sisters
In a new series of columns from the Domestic Abuse Committee, we will look at some of the people ...
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A legal perspective on FGM: interview with Dr Charlotte Proudman
As part of the National Conference 2024 programme, Dr Naheed Ghauri spoke with Dr Charlotte Proud...
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MODERN FAMILIES: Case-law update
Resolution’s Modern Families Conference included a handy round up of relevant recent cases from Dorothea Gartland KC and Andrew Powell, 4PB. We summarise them here by topic.

MODERN FAMILIES: Embryos on separation
As fertility science and practice evolve, the law necessarily becomes more complicated, but there are some clear areas where reform could help

MODERN FAMILIES: Transgender identities in family law
The landscape of gender identity and legal parentage continues to evolve, and can have wide-ranging effects on families
Election reflections
Looking ahead to our Awards
It’s essential for the future of family practice that we celebrate and communicate the highest st...
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Issue 231 Jul / Aug 2024
Welcome to issue 231 of The Review!
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Current issue
Welcome to issue 234 of The Review!
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