Issue 221 Nov / Dec 2022
For every issue of The Review we will be publishing the articles here in the Knowledge and Resour...
- Members only
For every issue of The Review we will be publishing the articles here in the Knowledge and Resour...
Pride = Protest
Pride = An antidote to Shame
Pride = Party
June is ‘Pride month’ in the UK, with London Pride taking place on 2 July 2022. What is the point of Pride? It’s changed overtime, as the rights and experiences of LGBT people have evolved. From Protest to a Party.
Make no mistake, Gay Pride in its infancy was all about Protest.
For every issue of The Review we will be publishing the articles here in the Knowledge and Resour...
2022 is coming. Let’s be optimistic. This plenary session, The Future of Family Practice, was an inspiring and informative discussion.
I was first attracted to this workshop by the line-up of speakers. It was hosted by Gillian Bisho...
With a busy life in practice, how many of us find the time to take in valuable insights from infl...
I had the pleasure of joining a talk with Ian Hawkins and Steven Hennessy on this topic and the f...
The focus of this workshop was to explore some of the tricky issues which can occur in collaborat...
The family law landscape is changing. The focus is now more than ever on working together to find...
In my mediation practice, from the very first meeting, I encourage separated parents to put the c...