The Review

Issue 221 Nov / Dec 2022

For every issue of The Review we will be publishing the articles here in the Knowledge and Resour...

  • Members only
Happy Multiracial people celebrating gay pride event - Group of friends with different age and race having fun during LGBT social event

PRIDE: Protest, party & an antidote to shame

Pride = Protest
Pride = An antidote to Shame
Pride = Party

June is ‘Pride month’ in the UK, with London Pride taking place on 2 July 2022. What is the point of Pride? It’s changed overtime, as the rights and experiences of LGBT people have evolved. From Protest to a Party. 

Make no mistake, Gay Pride in its infancy was all about Protest.

Issue 215 Nov / Dec 2021

For every issue of The Review we will be publishing the articles here in the Knowledge and Resour...

  • Members only