Family Mediation Week Coffee Morning
Join us for a family mediation coffee morning
- Members only
Keep up with all Resolution’s news, including announcements on our latest events and resources, key policy updates and news from our members.
For journalists writing about family law, we have a number of spokespeople available for comment. To arrange an interview or get further information on family law issues, email our Communications team on: press@resolution.org.uk
Join us for a family mediation coffee morning
Join a Transparency Project legal blogging training event
Financial remedy contested applications must be submitted on MyHMCTS from 31 January 2023
HMCTS has contacted Resolution and other professional user groups in relation to the completion of Form A on the online portal.
Here's how you can get involved in Family Mediation Week
Her Honour Judge Lynn Roberts outlines the CFC's plan for the future conduct of care cases.
HHJ Hess outlines changes to the London Financial Remedies Court that will take effect in January...
Topping up State Pension – are you aware of the window that is closing?
Contact list for your local Financial Remedy Court
Moneybox Live on BBC Radio 4 investigates cohabitation reform