code of practice

Good Practice Guide to Communication

The introduction, development and evolution of new methods of resolving family disputes for changing families means there is a need for us all to look at how we communicate as members of Resolution; with our clients, with other members, with our clients’ former partners if they are not represented by a lawyer, with other members of our clients’ families, with other non-member lawyers, barristers, judges, mediators and arbitrators and more widely within the family justice system. Poor communication accounts for the largest number of complaints received by Resolution.

Code in Practice course

Members of Resolution need to complete the Code in Practice course during their first year of membership. By doing this course, we believe that you will be a more effective professional, whether you are a family lawyer or another professional involved in the family justice system.

Our Code of Practice

Resolution's members follow a Code of Practice that promotes a constructive approach to family issues and considers the needs of the whole family.

Resolution’s Code of Practice

Resolution members commit to a Code of Practice that promotes a constructive approach to family issues and considers the needs of the whole family, in particular the best interests of children.