Good Practice Guide for Family Lawyers Working with Clients
Client care is an essential part of a lawyer’s role and is the very first topic dealt with in the...
- Members only
Client care is an essential part of a lawyer’s role and is the very first topic dealt with in the...
With the reforms to family justice, cutbacks on legal aid and changes in behaviour in relation to...
Social media can be a useful tool for family solicitors to connect with the public and other prof...
In reality all family law clients should be considered as vulnerable, they are usually in a state...
The introduction, development and evolution of new methods of resolving family disputes for changing families means there is a need for us all to look at how we communicate as members of Resolution; with our clients, with other members, with our clients’ former partners if they are not represented by a lawyer, with other members of our clients’ families, with other non-member lawyers, barristers, judges, mediators and arbitrators and more widely within the family justice system. Poor communication accounts for the largest number of complaints received by Resolution.
This practice guide provides an overview of working within the Code of Practice when dealing with...
Written correspondence, such as emails or letters, is still the main method of communication in f...
As part of Resolution's Code of Practice members are asked to use the Good Practice Guides as part of their day to day work. These represent Resolution's core values and are designed to offer knowledge and guidance to our members.