Past training events
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Spotlight Series: Build Better Wellbeing – acquire your wellbeing skillset
Part of the Spotlight Series, this 2 hour online session with Victoria Wilson, Marc Etherington, Matthew Richardson and Elizabeth Rimmer will provide you with top tips for managing your wellbeing and inspire you to prioritise it.
Resolution Together: Domestic Abuse and Safeguarding (online) - 13 April 2023
Resolution Together is a new way of working with couples jointly through separation or divorce.
- Members only
**NEW** An Overview of Family Finance and Pensions on Divorce (Online) - 29 November 2024
This course is designed to help participants understand the key aspects of managing finances and pensions during a divorce. The course covers essential topics such as the treatment of pensions, calculating cash equivalent values, understanding investment risks, and the implications of associated businesses. It also addresses taxation, financial behavior, budgeting, and recent court judgments related to pensions on divorce.
- Members only
Sharing Ideas and Current Experiences – a chance to meet together
We are inviting Resolution members who are Professional Practice Consultants (PPCs) to a new online session to share ideas and current experiences.
- Members only
The Psychology of Family Law
This new online course provides all family practitioners with essential insights from the field of psychology into your work with clients.
National Conference 2022, On-demand Catchup Package
If you missed our recent National Conference, you can now access all the sessions on-demand through our Catch-up Package.
Child Inclusive Mediation and Family Safeguarding - July 2020
A special limited online session with Angela Lake-Carroll and Suzy Power, looking at and discussing the issues involved in remote working with children, young people and their families in mediation.
- Members only
Child Inclusive Mediation Awareness and Understanding Day
Following the recommendations of the Voice of the Child Dispute Resolution Advisory Group, the FMC and Family Mediation Standards Board have recently approved the new standards for child inclusive mediation. This course will be held online.
Working with High Conflict Personalities: Insights and Strategies - July 2023
This two-part course is recognised by the Law Society and Family Mediation Council and carries 5 CPD hours.
High conflict personalities constitute a relatively small proportion of the people with whom professionals will encounter in their work (and their lives). They are not easily identifiable and indeed may present themselves reasonably and rationally, and may well achieve high status in professional occupations and in their lives.
This course is intended to assist professionals working with such personalities to recognise when dealing with such personalities and to adapt their strategies as necessary and appropriate. It should provide a greater sense of control over situations which such personalities may otherwise excessively influence.
Family Finance Forum - 5 December 2023
The Resolution family finance forum is suitable for all practitioners in family law who want to gain a deeper understanding of family law-related financial issues.
Future of Family Practice Conference, 14-16 October 2020
A fresh approach to our annual Dispute Resolution Conference. We are putting innovative practice and family dispute resolution skills front and centre.