Diversity across Resolution

Resolution is committed to being an inclusive, welcoming and supportive organisation for all of its members.

Following the all member diversity survey in 2019, the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee has now published its report with recommendations on how improvements can be made. The executive summary is published on this page.

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Executive Summary

This report presents a summary of the first diversity survey taken of Resolution’s members. The report aims to inform the membership about the diversity monitoring Resolution has undertaken. It will also help the National and Equality, Diversity and Inclusion committees as they develop a diversity strategy, policy and action plan for the organisation. It sets out the evidence base from which a relevant strategy can be developed, and targeted actions can be identified.


Resolution membership is 27% male and 73% female, survey respondents were 24% male and 75% female. This split reflects anecdotal evidence about the gender make-up of family law but there isn’t any detailed statistical data to back this up. The SRA reports that all lawyers in firms they regulate are much more evenly split (52% men and 48% women).


Over 7.5% of Resolution members declared a disability when answering the survey. Although the UK workforce include around 12% disabled workers, SRA statistics indicate that the lawyer population they regulate only includes 3% who declare they have a disability.


Although the ethnic background of Resolution’s membership broadly reflects the ethnic background of the UK workforce, it does not, however, reflect the population of SRA regulated lawyers. Resolution members are disproportionately white.

Other areas

When compared to the population of lawyers regulated by the SRA the Resolution membership is older. 29% of all lawyers regulated by the SRA are aged between 25 and 34 and just 20% of Resolution members fall into this age category.

Compared with the population of all lawyers regulated by the SRA, those affiliated with the Muslim faith are most underrepresented in the Resolution membership. To a lesser extent so are those who reported they are Hindu, Buddhist and Jewish.

Resolution members are more likely to have been educated in a UK state school than the lawyer and private client lawyer population regulated by the SRA.

Read the full report.