Actions we can take

We focus on education and learning to improve the standards our members work to but can take a range of actions after a complaint is made.

When you make a complaint you and the member, the Practice Standards Panel or the Appeals Officer can agree on actions that must be taken.

Actions that can be taken are:

  • A written apology:  the member will be informed that an apology should be provided.
  • Training:  information will be given to the member about the training they should attend and they will need to provide confirmation the trainng has been completed.
  • Removal of accredited status: if the member is a Resolution accredited specialist, that status can be removed. We will inform the member and ask them to remove any logos or references to their accreditation from their public materials.
  • Reporting to other organisations: this includes referring the outcome of a Panel’s decision to the Family Mediation Council.
  • Membership suspension: the member will be informed and will be told how long the suspension will last for.
  • Termination of membership: the member will be informed and will also be told if any further action, such as notifying other regulatory bodies, is to be taken by Resolution. They will need to remove any reference to Resolution membership from all their public materials.  Future applications for membership will be given to the Practice Standards Panel. Reapplication will not be considered within 12 months of termination.

Membership suspension or termination are a last resort when another action is not appropriate or available.

If a member fails to comply with the complaint process or leaves Resolution during the process this may have an impact on their membership and if they reapply for membership in the future.