Video: Spotlight Series- Vicarious Trauma

Part of the Spotlight Series, this online session with Robyn Bradey, Joanna Fleck and Rachel Francis tackled the key issue in the wellbeing of family practitioners: managing vicarious trauma.

This session covered:

Vicarious trauma has rarely been spoken about in the legal world until now.

The profession has belatedly woken up to the reality that dealing with the misery and trauma of others takes its toll on the wellbeing of the professionals involved.

This stimulating webinar will explore in depth what vicarious trauma is, how it affects us and what we can do about it.


Spotlight Series

The Spotlight Series on Wellbeing was jointly supported by Resolution, Women in Family Law and FLBA.


This webinar was recorded on 24th June 2021.



You can download the accompanying slides below:

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Spotlight series: Reflective Practice

Part of the Spotlight Series, this 2.5 hour online session with Gillian Bishop, Danielle Barbereau, Chris Mills and Jane McCann will consider a range of reflective practice options that can support the wellbeing of family practitioners.

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Recognising and managing traumatic impact

This online 3-hour session, with trauma specialist and psychotherapist, Donna Butler, considers how to manage trauma in the workplace - both for those you work with and also how to look after yourself.
