A New Era for The Review

This year saw the redesign of The Review with our first full-colour issue in May/June.

words by Esther Pilger, Head of Publications.

In 2023 we wanted The Review to be a fresher, brighter and more engaging read, but most importantly our aim was to create a magazine that better reflects and represents our organisation’s core values and unique aspects.

We are really proud of the results and we have been inundated with members asking to write for The Review, which is hugely encouraging. We hope this signals that we have created a magazine that feels like it is a forum for all members.

Our first few issues have included more variety of content – we have interviews, personal reflections, opinion columns and Q&As with committee members. We have introduced new regular columns on the non-legal aspects of family practice – psychology of law, wellbeing, and independent financial advice; and our new regional focus captures the vibrancy and energy of Resolution’s regions, committees and events. We can’t keep up with the number of events being put on every month which is a fantastic problem to have!

Although there has been many changes, the core purpose of your membership magazine remains the same – to allow our members (very generously) to exchange their insight, knowledge and experience. We thank every one of our contributors and readers for supporting this publication.

Our Highlights


Guides & Handbooks

Resolution’s orders and agreements continue to be in demand. Our biggest seller in 2023 was the Cohabitant Separation Agreements: a set of precedent clauses designed to enable separating cohabitants’ financial commitments and ongoing obligations to be pulled together in one binding document, accompanied by helpful tips and commentary.

The online version allows you to build bespoke agreements in our custom Orders and Agreements platform, saving time by populating it with the parties’ names and generate a final document in both PDF and Microsoft Word.

Looking ahead to 2024

There was a lot of activity writing the content and preparing for our 2024 programme of publications which will include a brand-new Parenting Through Separation guide, a remodelled Cohabitation Handbook, a guide to international family law and a new book on spousal maintenance.