Awareness Week 2023

To celebrate our 40th anniversary, we decided to use Awareness Week to launch our Vision for Family Justice

This year, our Awareness Week focussed on the need for cohabitation reform and stressing the importance of early legal advice.

Grant Cameron, chaired a special parliamentary reception on Monday 27 November, where we launched our blueprint for a future family justice system and kicked off Awareness Week 2023.

More than 75 specially invited guests and over 20 MPs joined us, to hear about our Vision and learn how Resolution has helped to shape a more constructive, less confrontational approach over the last 40 years, benefitting individuals, couples and their families by keeping our Code in Practice at the forefront.

The Success of Awareness Week 2023

The enthusiasm our members showed for our Awareness Week and our Vision for Family Justice demonstrated the value of our voice year on year as we continue to campaign for change and shape the future of family justice.

This year members helped spread the word of our Vision for Family Justice, responding to our call to arms to write to your local MPs, send press releases to local media, host events and make a noise across social media.

Awareness Week 2023 was all about starting the conversation. If your MP was not available to meet with you during Awareness Week, we encourage you to keep the ball rolling in the coming weeks and months and continuing to press for change.