Celebrating 40 Years of Resolution

2023 was a prestigious year for Resolution as we celebrated 40 years of helping families find a better way.

For 40 years our members have been supporting couples to reduce conflict, creating more amicable, long-lasting solutions that would benefit them and – crucially – any children they may have.

During that time we have devised and implemented new ways to reach agreements, most recently our pioneering Resolution Together scheme, enabling one lawyer to work with both partners of a separating couple.

We have trained thousands of practitioners to give them the skills to support families. We’ve worked with charities and other organisations to provide affordable advice services. And we have successfully campaigned for improvements to the law, including the recent landmark introduction of no-fault divorce.

There is much Resolution has achieved over the last 40 years. We are proud of our past and recognise the success of our members as they continue to bring our Code – and John Cornwell’s vision – to life.