More Momentum for YRes

YRes is Resolution’s network of family law professionals at the start of their careers.

It exists to ensure that there is an opportunity for Resolution members who are starting out on their career path to share their experiences, concerns and ideas and develop their skills and knowledge in a friendly and supportive environment.

Words by Polly Dallyn and Zhenja Cann

We have seen more growth in momentum for YRes members over the last 12 months and activity both centrally and across the regions has gone from strength to strength.  It has been another busy year for both the National YRes Committee and YRes regional committees, as they try to harness that momentum and put in place new initiatives and opportunities for family lawyers who are 10 years PQE or less.

At the end of 2023, Ellen Wilkinson (pictured) finished her term as YRes Co-Chair.  Ellen was a phenomenal Co-Chair who led two successful YRes National Conferences and was instrumental in her role as a co-opted member of the National Committee.  Whilst we will shortly be wishing Ellen well for her maternity leave, she remains a member of the National YRes Committee and we look forward to welcoming her back in 2025 where she will no doubt continue all the positive work in promoting the interests of our members.

Polly Dallyn, of Family Law Partners (Horsham) continues her role as Co-Chair together with newly appointed Co-Chair Zhenja Cann of Thrings (Bristol). Zhenja and Polly now lead the National YRes Committee together and are always keen to hear from YRes members with comments, questions and suggestions about what is important to them, what is happening in their regions, and how we can support them. Polly and Zhenja are looking forward to the year ahead and to working with the wider committee to continue to represent the members of YRes and champion their needs as developing lawyers.

On that note, the committee has just completed a recruitment round and look forward to working with new committee members from around the country.  This is perfect timing as planning is well underway for the 2024 YRes National Conference which it is hoped will be even bigger and better than last year.

The National YRes committee have been focused over the last 12 months on growing our connections with the regions and ensuring that the committee offers as much support and guidance as we can.  We now have dedicated liaisons for each region and there have already been meetings and touchpoints between the National committee and various regional committees.  Our hope is to link up local regions and provide support to those who might be in regions where there is less of an active Resolution presence and we hope that this will help junior family law professionals feel more connected.  We are proud of the diversity of our committee and membership and feel this gives us a true insight into everyone involved in family law and what their needs are now and in the future.

YRes Conference 2023

Each year, Resolution’s YRes committee hosts its very own YRes Conference. The Conference is the perfect opportunity to connect with junior practitioners, develop your practice and feel energised and ready for the future.

Above all, the conference aims to bring together junior family practitioners to share experiences, develop ideas and skills and encourage one another to thrive.

YRes members heard from some of the leading minds in the profession and will be able to network and share their expertise with peers and colleagues to benefit their firms, and strengthen professional relationships.

The 2023 Conference took place in person in London in November and was an impactful and informative day.  The conference took a closer look at wellbeing, with brave and insightful speeches from Grant Cameron (Chair of Resolution) and Ellen Wilkinson (former Co-Chair of YRes) to open the day being followed by a phenomenal panel discussion in which three family law professionals shared their personal experiences and struggles.  Our panellists shared their stories with regards to bereavement and depression.

We were pleased to have roving family supervisors present at the event, offering individual support to any attendees who were impacted by the talks throughout the day, and hope that this offered a look into how the family law world may better support its junior members and ensure that wellbeing is not just a buzzword.

Another highlight of the 2023 conference was the debate, run by committee member Annabel Barrons, on whether the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973 remains fit for purpose.  As a follow on from this members of the National YRes committee were invited to meet with the Law Commission to discuss their report on the Matrimonial Causes Act and this gave an excellent opportunity for junior members of the profession to have real time input into the development of family law.  We are intending to build on that with this year’s conference and whilst there are many ideas in the pipeline it will again be a future focused event which gives our members the chance to engage in essential updates and think about what the future of family law might look like.

We also heard from Steven Bradley of Our Family Wizard who took us through the risks and benefits of technology, not only for the clients we serve, but also in our personal and professional lives, and explains how we can safely navigate the world of technology.