National Conference 2023

More than 600 members came together for the biggest annual gathering of family justice professionals at the Hilton Brighton Metropole,

National Conference is a highlight of the Resolution calendar, and we were delighted to be able to host an event that lived up to the grandeur of our 40-year anniversary. Delegates were treated to a feast of insightful speakers, in-depth debates, and high-quality networking opportunities, to connect, share and learn from the community.

This year we were able to put on more interactive sessions, more workshop choices and more networking opportunities than ever before. Keynotes from Sir Andrew McFarlane, President of the Family Division and Barbara Mills KC headed up an engaging and informative line-up of speakers and we delighted to be able to put on our biggest range of workshops, designed to develop delegates’ practice, skills and knowledge, that looked at key trends and topics on the future of family law.

Conference was also the passing of the baton from our current National Chair, Juliet Harvey, to our incoming Chair, Grant Cameron. In his first speech as National Chair, Grant talked about his journey in family law, as well as highlighting some of Resolution’s many achievements in its first forty years, whilst also looking forward to what the organisation hopes to achieve in the future.


Sir Andrew McFarlane, President of the Family Division, gave an update about his work and praised Resolution’s National Conference. He said: “One thing that’s particularly important for family lawyers, is that we need to have an understanding of each other. We should be creating and attending occasions like today, where we can be together and have important conversations with our peers.”

We also heard from Barbara Mills KC who discussed some of the pressures and challenges family lawyers face today. But implored delegates to embrace change. She said: “Change is good for us and good for the families we serve. My invitation to you use what we have now to make things better. It seems to me we must make a effort to resolve cases outside of court arena.”

Finance & Children Updates

Alison Bull and Philip Barnsley, the Finance Update gave delegates a review of significant changes over the past year. A poll held during the session found that 55% of delegates are planning to engage with one lawyer/two clients as a working model in the future.

On Friday afternoon, Elspeth Thomson and Samantha Little presented the Children Update giving an overview of relevant developments over the past 12 months. The session covered the Domestic Abuse Act 2021, assessing risk of harm to children and private law fact finding hearings.

Workshops for Everyone

Delegates also had a choice of attending more than 20 workshops over the two-day event, looking at wide range of topics, from Capital Gains Tax and Divorce, practical tips for junior lawyers in high conflict children cases and how to work with resistance.