Specialist Accreditation

Resolution’s Specialist Accreditation Scheme recognises members who demonstrate excellence in the practice of family law and in their specific areas of expertise.

Our specialist accreditation scheme has gone from strength to strength over the years, and we currently have 1,485 specialist accredited members, lawyers and financial advisers who have tested their expertise by completing Specialist Accreditation.

Accredited specialists are highly competent, our accreditation is a mark of excellence in practice, recognised by the public, members, the judiciary and the Legal Aid Agency. It demonstrates the outstanding level of skills and expertise of the members who achieve accreditation.

Specialist accreditation – Unsung heroes

The Specialist Accreditation scheme is a jewel in the crown that is Resolution.  The scheme is a mark of excellence in practice, recognised by the general public, other members, the judiciary and external agencies.

A vital part of the scheme is our team of Specialist Accreditation Assessors. Our team of Assessors are members who hold Specialist Accreditation themselves and who have put themselves forward and been recruited to form a vital part of our Specialist Accreditation Scheme.

Although busy practitioners themselves, their role encompasses setting candidate papers through to assessing returned papers, something they do with huge care and professionalism.  So our enormous thanks to all members of the team, whether you are a Portfolio holder, an Assessor or Associate Assessor;  we thank you for your time and commitment – we couldn’t do without you!

Our thanks too to our Core scheme academic question setter, Professor Anne Barlow,  Professor of Family Law and Policy and Director of Research,  Exeter University and to Moira Sofaer and Paul Cobley our independent moderators and of course, to our Specialist Accreditation Committee.’

Congratulations to all of those who achieved Specialist Accreditation in 2023.