Resolution Together and joint legal advice for separating couples

Resolution Together (and other ‘one lawyer two clients’ services) enables a separating couple to approach their divorce together with the support and  legal advice of one lawyer.

To pursue your divorce in this way, you and your ex need to be comfortable to discuss everything together with your jointly appointed lawyer, there must be no concern about controlling or abusive behaviour, and no known legal conflicts. Your lawyer will first meet you individually to establish your situation is suitable to proceed together  – they will immediately flag if you should instead seek individual legal advice and advise on other ways on resolving matters.

If it is appropriate for you to work with your chosen lawyer, you’ll then meet together with the lawyer who will provide joint advice to and your ex about all the decisions to be made around your finances and your children as you divorce, when appropriate they are also able to assist you in choosing mediators, financial and pensions experts and professionals who can provide you with emotional support as and when you need to work alongside you and your lawyer to ensure the most cost efficient and appropriate way to reach decisions together.  Once you have decided on an outcome, your lawyer will draw up the necessary legal agreement to formalise your joint decisions, there will be no need for you to attend court.