Resolution Annual Report 2023

Our Annual Report for 2023 reflects on some of the key achievements and highlights from another jam-packed year for Resolution, including the launch of our Vision for Family Justice, our inaugural awards night and a look back on how we celebrated 40 years of Resolution.


Words by Colin Jones and Grant Cameron

Throughout 2023, we celebrated the 40th Anniversary of Resolution.  While our 40th Anniversary provided an opportunity to reflect upon just how far we’ve come since John Cornwell and others established our organisation, it also gave us the chance to look ahead and think about what we want the next forty years to look like.

Over the last 40 years Resolution has achieved some major milestones – no-fault divorce, the introduction of new and innovative practices, the development of YRes and the continued development of our committees who offer a breadth of experience; producing exceptional guides and putting on invaluable events to increase our members’ knowledge. It is also important to highlight that EDI and wellbeing quite rightly have secured our central focus.

Our members have continued to help families avoid court every day and we are committed to working with government to help more families reach lasting, constructive outcomes.

Resolution’s work campaigning for a better family justice system is more important than ever, and we were proud to launch our Vision for Family Justice during our Awareness Week in November. This will be the backbone to our push for reforms to improve the way family disputes are resolved, in line with our Code.

Sadly, we hear all too often of many stories of prolonged court battles and lengthy delays that many of our clients have had to experience and we know it should not be like this, but as John Cornwell believed 40 years ago … there must be ‘a better way’.

We will build on the successes of the last 40 years, looking at further ways to improve the family justice environment in which you all work, to help you provide more support to the people you help every single day.

Resolution is its members. As an organisation we want to look after you – our members – at whatever stage you have reached in your career.

For 40 years, you have been supporting couples to reduce conflict, creating more amicable, long-lasting solutions that would benefit them and – crucially – any children they may have.

We have had an amazing first 40 years, and the challenge now is to ensure we deliver a successful future for all those working in the family justice system.

Resolution Membership 2023

In this year’s report 

Celebrating 40 years of Resolution
Past-Chairs’ Roundtable Event
Resolution Awards 2023
Vision for Family Justice
Awareness Week 2023
Policy Activity and Consultation Responses
One Year of No-Fault Divorce
National Conference 2023
More Momentum for YRes
Flagship Events in Focus
Resolution Together – One Year On
Specialist Accreditation
Our Committees in 2023
A New Era for The Review
Talking Family Law
Annual Accounts 2023
Thanks to our Volunteers