Professional development

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Resolution's books, leaflets and publications are indispensible resources for family justice professionals.

See all our books, leaflets and publications

Following Government guidance we've decided to suspend our current calendar of face-to-face courses and events. In the interim, you can find links to online learning and resources at our new Learning at home page.

See our 'Learning at home' page

Featured training

Resolving issues - get started in DR practice in family law

This online training package brings together experience and understanding of the current time and considers how best to get started in dispute resolution practice in family law. It leverages the latest insights and experiences relevant to the current times, ensuring that the content is both up-to-date and practical. The package is tailored to meet the needs of both newcomers and those looking to refresh their understanding of dispute resolution practices.

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Resolution membership helps you develop your network, meet other professionals and become part of a community. Resolution is run for members by members and committees lead the way on much of our work.

Find out about all our committees

Featured committees

Cohabitation Committee

The Cohabitation Committee works to promote good practice in family law and family justice for cohabitants. This year they published a second edition of the Resolution Cohabitation Claims book and they are developing a new edition of the Cohabitation Agreements.

Cohabitation Committee

Litigants in Person Committee

The Litigants in Person (LiPs) Committee was set up to respond to the increasing number of LiPs in the family justice system. They help members working with LiPs and they help LiPs with information to improve their experience of the system.

Litigants in Person Committee

National Committee

Resolution’s success lies in the fact that it is run by members, who are practitioners with hands-on experience. The National Committee (NC) brings together a core group of members to lead the organisation, set the strategy and oversee the finances, making sure we’re doing all we can to achieve our vision and mission.

National Committee

National YRes Committee

YRes is Resolution’s network of family law professionals at the start of their careers. The committee makes sure YRes remains at the heart of all Resolution work and junior practitioners are integrated with Resolution at all levels, both regionally and nationally. This year the committee is putting on a conference for YRes members.

National YRes Committee

Resolution’s Specialist Accreditation Scheme recognises members who demonstrate excellence in the practice of family law and in their specific areas of expertise. Accredited specialists are highly competent and our accreditation is a mark of excellence in practice, recognised by the public, members, the judiciary and the Legal Aid Agency.

Find out more about our accreditation

Featured accreditations

Lawyers' scheme

Lawyer members applying for Specialist Accreditation must demonstrate a thorough knowledge of law, procedure and practice. They their skills, proficiency and experience in specialist areas of family law are also assessed.

Find out more about the lawyer scheme

Our members write and create expert resources, articles and information, you can access them all and and stay informed online.

Access information, articles and resources to help you with your work

Featured articles

Guidance Note: Cohabitation cases

Non-married cohabiting relationships continue to increase year on year, so advising clients embarking on cohabitation, those already living together wanting to understand their ‘rights’ and those whose cohabiting relationship has broken down, will continue to form an increasing part of the workload of family lawyers. This guide aims to assist Resolution members and their conveyancing lawyer and private client colleagues to manage these cases effectively, in accordance with our Code of Practice.

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How arbitration can help your practice

The current crisis and the problems that the courts are facing has shone a new light on how we practice and the solutions we can offer our clients.

There have been many mentions of arbitration and changes. What’s that all about?

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The Remote Access Family Court

The aim of this document is to identify clearly the current problems which arise from the urgent need to move to a default position of remote hearings, to identify potential solutions to those problems and to set out operational protocols to govern the position whilst further solutions are being arrived at.

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FRC hearings listed at the Central Family Court between 6th April – 1st May 2020

The current national public health emergency requires all financial remedy cases to be heard remotely unless personal attendance is absolutely unavoidable in the interests of fairness and justice. The court must prioritise urgent cases and those involving vulnerable parties.

These Directions apply to all cases listed on or after 6th April up to and including Friday 1ST May 2020

In each case to which these directions apply, there is permission to apply to the court to vary or set aside the directions, as it may apply in that particular case. Any such application shall be made to: marked for the urgent attention of His Honour Judge O’Dwyer, District Judge Gibbons or District Judge Hudd.

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