Meet Jacinta Gallant

Our trainers lead our courses, design course objectives and content and delivers it to delegates, supporting delegates in their learning every step of the way.

Jacinta Gallant

Job Title: Collaborative lawyer, Mediator and Educator
Waterstone Law Group

Jacinta Gallant is a respected Canadian collaborative lawyer, mediator and educator. She is recognized internationally for her insightful and experiential approach to teaching and managing conflict, and has been welcomed as a trainer throughout the Americas, Europe, Australia, New Zealand and Southeast Asia.

Jacinta’s innovative resources, Our Family in Two Homes, and Designing Our Future Together help clients prepare to engage deeply, and productively, with Family Lawyers, Mediators and Collaborative Practitioners.

Jacinta’s podcast, The Authentic Professional, focuses on how professionals can bring more of who they are to what they do, and her latest book, Going Steady, helps engage couples in conversations that sustain and nourish their relationship. Jacinta’s ultimate goal is to help conflict professionals engage with clients in a more meaningful way, manage conflict more effectively, and get more enjoyment out of this important work.