Meet Andrea Boutcher

Our trainers lead our courses, design course objectives and content and delivers it to delegates, supporting delegates in their learning every step of the way.

Andrea Boutcher

Job Title: Family Mediator, PPC and Trainer
Firm name: FAB Mediation Ltd

Andrea Boutcher is a solicitor, an accredited and practising family mediator, a PPC, mentor and trainer. She is a collaborative and hybrid mediation practitioner and has been assisting in family dispute resolution and working with separated families for over 30 years.

Andrea has a particular interest in the welfare of children and young people and also in safeguarding. She was formerly a member of the Law Society’s Children Panel and continues to work with children as a child inclusive mediation practitioner.

Social welfare is important to Andrea and she operates an inclusive mediation practice holding a government contract for the provision of legal aid for mediation services. She has experience of working with public, private and charitable sector organisations.

Making a positive contribution and being supportive is at the heart of Andrea’s practice.