Meet Dr Sue Palmer-Conn

Our trainers lead our courses, design course objectives and content and delivers it to delegates, supporting delegates in their learning every step of the way.

Dr Sue Palmer-Conn

Dr Sue Palmer -Conn holds a PhD in Psychology and is a chartered psychologist. Sue retired from a 40-year career in higher education where she was a National and International Teaching Fellow well-known for innovation in teaching, learning and assessment.

Sue is known as The Divorce Doctor and is master health and wellness coach, a master professional divorce coach, a certified discernment counsellor, a family therapist, and a certified Fisher Rebuilding practitioner.

Sue works with couples to support them through the decision-making process to mend, bend or end their relationship from a position of deeper understanding of themselves as individuals and a couple. She also works with individuals offering support and guidance throughout their divorce and recovery journey.

Sue co-chairs Resolution’s well-being committee and also sits on the working together committee.