How do I maintain my accreditation?

Accreditation as a specialist is for a period of three years. You need to reaccredit at three-year intervals to maintain your accreditation.

To keep your accreditation, you must:

  • Remain a Member of Resolution. Any member who fails to renew membership will automatically lose accredited status.
  • Continue to work in the specialist areas of family practice in which you’re accredited. If you stop working in one of the specialist areas you let us know immediately. You can take new portfolios to maintain your accreditation. Arrangements for change of portfolios are set out in the Scheme Rules.
  • Maintain at least eight hours of continuing professional development (CPD) in family practice each year or be able to provide a report in line with SRA continuing competence or CILEx professional development requirements showing you have maintained an ongoing commitment to your professional development.

Specialists are required to disclose anything which could bring the organisation into disrepute.

We know there are reasons why you might not be able to fulfill the requirements above. If you can’t, contact us as soon as you can to discuss your situation. See the Scheme Rules for further information.