Scheme Rules

These Rules apply without exceptions to all candidates for Resolution’s Specialist Accreditation Scheme, its Assessors and Moderators.

Resolution’s Specialist Accreditation Scheme has been developed to recognise members who have demonstrated excellence in the practice of family law or family financial advice giving in the areas in which they specialise. Members applying for Specialist Accreditation are required to demonstrate thorough knowledge of substantive law, procedure and practice, or family financial advice the available approaches or means that may best assist clients in reaching workable solutions or outcomes and also sufficient skill, proficiency and experience in specialist areas of family law or family financial advice giving.

The assessment process is in place to ensure accredited members can confidently represent themselves as highly competent to the public, to other members of Resolution, the legal profession, officers of CAFCASS and relevant public bodies such as the Legal Aid Agency and Local Authorities.

View the scheme rules in full

Aims of the Scheme

The Specialist Accreditation Scheme aims to benefit the public, the profession and the administration of justice by:

  • Offering a reliable means of identifying practitioners who are recognised as having special competence in the area/s of family law or family financial advice who will act in a constructive, problem solving and conciliatory way, in accordance with Resolution’s Code of Practice.
  • Providing an incentive and opportunity for practitioners to reach and maintain higher levels of competence in the practice of family law or family financial advice giving
  • Encouraging improvement in the quality, management and cost efficiency of legal, and/or family financial advice..
  • Identifying and encouraging specific areas of specialism within family law or family financial advice giving.

Benefits of Accreditation

Resolution Specialist Accreditation is a mark of excellence in practice, recognised by the general public, members of Resolution, the judiciary and the Legal Aid Agency. It demonstrates to other professionals, employers, future employers and the general public the outstanding level of knowledge, skill and expertise held by those who achieve and maintain it.

Resolution publishes the benefits of accreditation in the Prospectus in each category specific prospectus of the scheme.

These Rules apply without exceptions to all candidates for Resolution’s Specialist Accreditation Scheme, its Assessors and Moderator

View the scheme rules in full