What level of knowledge and practice do I need?
The scheme is designed to provide an accessible and flexible, yet high standard, for entry and examination.
We have developed a competence framework so you can assess whether you have enough knowledge, understanding and experience to apply for accreditation or reaccreditation. Our team of Assessors will assess assignments on the basis you have demonstrated the relevant competencies in your assignment.
It is important you read and have understood the competence framework before applying for accreditation.
When you apply for the Core Assignment you will need to make sure you have a general knowledge and understanding of the competencies outlined in the Lawyer Core Competence Unit or Financial Adviser Core Competency Unit. You also need to have enough experience to demonstrate your competence. If there are areas of practice you don’t normally undertake you will need demonstrate your ability to research those areas and show you know where you would seek more detailed advice or information.
You must have detailed knowledge and experience in each of your Portfolio Assignment subjects. You will need to be able to write reflective case accounts on two completed cases for which you had sole or majority-overall conduct and management.