Knowledge and resources
Broad range of information for professionals and practitioners in family law and justice.
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Working at "the coalface of aggression"
The Henry Brown Lecture at the Dispute Resolution Conference 2018 was delivered by Dr Amita Sehgal, a psychoanalytic couple psychotherapist with the Balint Consultancy. Annmarie Carvalho provides an overview.
Lawyer negotiations
Lawyer negotiation can help you find the best way to resolve things for you and your family. Approaching your issue constructively could cost you less - emotionally and financially. If you can make a decision through negotiation it's likely to be better and longer lasting than if a court imposes a solution on you.
Do it yourself - reaching an agreement between yourselves
Negotiating your own agreement, with or without professional support, at first glance can seem the easiest. However, it can be a complex process with many aspects you and your partner will need to consider, and so it is not suitable for everyone.