Knowledge and resources
Broad range of information for professionals and practitioners in family law and justice.
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National YRes Conference 2024
Bookings are now open for the National YRes Conference on Friday 8 November 2024 at the Hilton, Tower Bridge, London. If you are in the first ten years of practice within family law and a member of YRes, then this event is for you!
Introducing… the new YRes column
Welcome to the inaugural YRes column! For readers unfamiliar with the group, YRes includes all Resolution members who are in the first ten years of their family justice career, and members make up a significant proportion of Resolution membership – almost 30%.
The benefits of using a financial neutral in divorce proceedings
The presence of a third party neutral in negotiations can be a win for everyone
YRes 2022: Three pioneers discuss "one lawyer, two clients"
YRes CONFERENCE 2022: This workshop saw some of the founders of the “one lawyer, two client” model explain how it works and how it benefits clients