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Guidance note: Instructing experts in applications for a financial order
This guide is intended to assist practitioners in advising clients on when expert evidence is required, and instructing the expert in such a way as will be of maximum benefit to the client in assisting them, or the court, in reaching a resolution of a matter in dispute between the parties.
Guidance Note: Instructing experts in proceedings involving children
The object of all dispute resolution is to clarify facts and narrow issues. The use of experts may be considered in child-related situations, including proceedings. Those involved in assisting parties, including the court, may be helped by an expert’s findings in relation to injuries or medical complaints, psychological problems including attachments, or even how children have reacted in a supervised contact centre.
Hair drug testing untangled
What hair testing can – and can’t - tell us about a person’s drug and alcohol use .
Valuing family businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic
This article considers the challenges of dealing with private companies during the coronavirus crisis and whether practitioners should be applying for permission for expert valuation evidence in relation to new cases or to revalue companies that have been valued in the recent past.