Evidence submitted to the Public Accounts Committee: The HMCTS Court Modernisation Programme
Resolution provided this written evidence to the Public Accounts Committee on the progress of the HMCTS Court Modernisation Programme.
Broad range of information for professionals and practitioners in family law and justice.
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Resolution provided this written evidence to the Public Accounts Committee on the progress of the HMCTS Court Modernisation Programme.
Resolution responds the the Ministry of Justice and HM Courts and Tribunals Service's consultation on transforming the Tribunal Estate.
Resolution has submitted a response to HM Courts and Tribunal Service on the Flexible Operating Hours Prospectus. Our response focuses on the Family Court and the fifth pilot model in Manchester Civil Justice Centre.
Resolution responds to the Ministry of Justice's consultation on Transforming our Justice System.
Resolution responds to the national proposal on the provision of court and tribunal estate in England and Wales.
Resolution responds to the national proposal on the provision of court and tribunal estate in England and Wales.