Emotional management and preparation before mediation
While the procedural aspects of mediation are vital, emotional preparation is equally, if not more, important to ensure a successful and productive outcome
Broad range of information for professionals and practitioners in family law and justice.
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While the procedural aspects of mediation are vital, emotional preparation is equally, if not more, important to ensure a successful and productive outcome
Allowing the parties time to about the past is a crucial stage and scene-setter for successful mediation
For any number of reasons and client circumstances, an integrated team can be a hugely powerful approach to mediation
“Stay calm, think flexibly and focus on the outcome!”
The deadline for new contract tenders has passed and the votes are being counted! Mediation, like many categories of work, is vastly undersubscribed, and it is very much hoped that there will be an increase in family mediation contracts being confirmed.
With a 490-strong contingent of Resolution members who are accredited family mediators, many readers of The Review will be interested to learn about the growing success of the annual Family Mediation Week initiative.
An important part of the service we offer clients should be timely consideration of what happens if the current process breaks down
We need to dispel the myth that a MIAM is all about mediation – it is all about giving the separating parties the information they need, and fits perfectly into the finding solutions part of Resolution’s Vision
As lawyers and mediators, we need to think of new ways our skills can be used to tackle problem cases without resort to the court
Mandatory mediation seems to be off the cards for now, but the changes to PD3A may well mark an important shift in the approach to dispute resolution when abuse is an issue
Resolution’s response to the Ministry of Justice.
Though the speed of change is slow, the President of the Family Division has shared some very encouraging thoughts on Relaunching Family Mediation
The term “high conflict” covers a range of very different circumstances and can sometimes obscure the underlying issues
The recent Court of Appeal case of K v K has provided yet more impetus for mediation
The family law landscape is changing. The focus is now more than ever on working together to find a resolution. With the introduction of the HMCTS online platform making it easier for clients to complete their own divorce online and the implementation of no-fault divorce in April 2022, family law could see an increase in families trying to work through difficulties outside of the court arena, through out-of-court dispute resolution methods, and primarily through mediation.
A combination of circumstances and pressures led one family lawyer to shift over entirely to mediation. So how has it worked out?