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Resolution Mediation Handbook

Working remotely with mediation clients

This section focusses on working remotely across your mediation practice, please read in conjunction with the other relevant sections in the Handbook (as are indicated).

As a result of the Coronavirus outbreak, all mediators have been faced with new challenges to the way in which they work. Very long held norms of face-to-face practice have been seriously disrupted and changed and it has meant that many of you will have moved to online and remote working and some will have done so at some speed in order to ensure continuing service to individuals and families.

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Resolution Mediation Handbook

Resolution Mediation Handbook

Good practice guidance for mediator members of Resolution. The handbook explains the principles of mediation, the requirements of the Family Mediation Council’s (FMC) Code of Practice and sets a framework for the conduct of consistent and high-quality mediation practice.

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Practice Support

Consumer Rights Act 2015

The Consumer Rights Act 2015 has now come into force.

All mediators must be aware of the requirements of the new legislation as it sets out requirements for all traders and service providers. It covers all aspects of consumer rights and the responsibilities of traders and service providers. This includes, for example, unfair terms and cancellation fees. Mediators must comply with the legislation as it applies to all traders and service providers who charge a fee for their services.

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Practice Support

Common claim errors

The purpose of this document is to highlight the key Mediation claiming issues that continue to be identified by the LAA. By being aware of these issues a more focused approach can be adopted, so that Providers are more able to submit accurate claims. It should also be noted that these areas will be specifically scrutinised by the LAA during any future visits or audits.

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