Standish and the Married Women’s Property Act 1882
The Supreme Court will have the last word, but the facts in Standish raise some very odd issues around the characterisation of assets as either matrimonial or non-matrimonial
Broad range of information for professionals and practitioners in family law and justice.
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The Supreme Court will have the last word, but the facts in Standish raise some very odd issues around the characterisation of assets as either matrimonial or non-matrimonial
Getting advice early will help you know what to expect so you can plan for the process. We outline the key steps for the legal process of divorce or dissolution of a civil partnership.
Potanina v Potanin [2024] UKSC 3 provides clearer guidance on the threshold test required to obtain leave prior to proceedings, but the dissenting judgment of Lord Briggs raises a number of questions
A specialist collaborative approach running in Melbourne for over a decade provides a cost-effective and smooth negotiation space
Exploring out of court dispute resolution and how this can enhance your practice
A detailed mortgage report offers a full picture of a client’s future options, and as such can help produce fairer, faster and better-tailored outcomes
Our Parenting After Parting Committee sat down with Sir James Munby to bring you a special two-part podcast.
TM v KM provides a rare example of when the court will allow the “compensation” argument to run
The new rules on capital gains tax and the family home are welcome on a number of fronts
The family law landscape is changing. The focus is now more than ever on working together to find a resolution. With the introduction of the HMCTS online platform making it easier for clients to complete their own divorce online and the implementation of no-fault divorce in April 2022, family law could see an increase in families trying to work through difficulties outside of the court arena, through out-of-court dispute resolution methods, and primarily through mediation.
Following the expert guidance of Karin Walker and Dr Supriya McKenna in this workshop, I can now identify cases which have the potential to keep me and other family practitioners awake at night where narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is an issue.
In this workshop a panel of Alex Verdan QC, Charlotte Bradley and Dr Mark Berelowitz, chaired by Simon Blain, provided a fascinating and extremely useful insight into high-conflict parental disputes from their wide-ranging perspectives.
Divorces with a foreign element continue to rise, and in uncertain economic times, locating and valuing assets can require specialist input.
Two recent cases highlight the procedural difficulties and the court’s case management powers
Resolution has worked with The Law Society on a note to assist family lawyers in England and Wales ahead of the end of the Brexit transition period in relation to divorce and finance cases, and domestic abuse cases. We have also worked with the Association of Lawyers for Children on a note for children practitioners.
HMCTS has revealed the most common reasons why online divorce petitions are rejected or errors are encountered. Follow these top tips to ensure your online application goes smoothly.
Although Corker Binning is a specialist defence firm, we appreciate that family lawyers experience both sides of a criminal investigation in representing both complainants and the subjects of those complaints.
We often receive enquiries via family lawyers from complainants, or potential complainants, seeking advice on the procedure and likely consequences of criminal investigations and proceedings. Whilst it is not usually necessary for complainants to receive formal criminal law advice (although this can be arranged, for example where a client is particularly anxious about the process of providing evidence to the police, or where there is a risk of a counter-allegation), we are always happy to share the benefit of our experience.
It is hard sometimes to help parents focus on the legalities of the divorce when they are in emotional turmoil and looking to their lawyer for emotional support. So how do we define our boundaries in a way that is both supportive for our clients with children, and helpful for us?
In the conclusion of a two-part article on the modern law of pre-nups, we explore how the law has developed with respect to pre-nuptial agreements since Radmacher and reflect on what this may mean for the future.