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The Review

Issue 221 Nov / Dec 2022

For every issue of The Review we will be publishing the articles here in the Knowledge and Resources section of our website as well as the pdf of the printed version.

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The Review

PRIDE: Protest, party & an antidote to shame

Pride = Protest
Pride = An antidote to Shame
Pride = Party

June is ‘Pride month’ in the UK, with London Pride taking place on 2 July 2022. What is the point of Pride? It’s changed overtime, as the rights and experiences of LGBT people have evolved. From Protest to a Party. 

Make no mistake, Gay Pride in its infancy was all about Protest.

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The Review

Issue 215 Nov / Dec 2021

For every issue of The Review we will be publishing the articles here in the Knowledge and Resources section of our website as well as the pdf of the printed version.

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The Review

Laying the foundations for a successful mediation

The family law landscape is changing. The focus is now more than ever on working together to find a resolution. With the introduction of the HMCTS online platform making it easier for clients to complete their own divorce online and the implementation of no-fault divorce in April 2022, family law could see an increase in families trying to work through difficulties outside of the court arena, through out-of-court dispute resolution methods, and primarily through mediation.

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The Review

Issue 214 Sep / Oct 2021

For every issue of The Review we will be publishing the articles here in the Knowledge and Resources section of our website as well as the pdf of the printed version.

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