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The Review

McKenzie Friends: the good, the bad and the ugly

As with most things in life, there are positives and negatives of McKenzie Friends, as personal experience and the case law show.

Whilst studying at law school, I volunteered for the National Centre for Domestic Violence (NCDV) as a McKenzie Friend, assisting victims of domestic abuse in obtaining non-molestation and occupation orders in the courts. This gave me a personal insight into how the work of McKenzie Friends can be invaluable.

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The Review

How will family law develop over the next 50 years?

Lady Hale’s speech on “What is a 21st century family” is a must read for any family practitioner. It provides a thorough summary of how the law has treated the concept of a “family” over the past 50 years and, by doing so, points forward to how it may develop. In this article for The Review Bethan Carr breaks down Lady Hale's speech.

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