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The Review

The Review

The Review is Resolution's bi-monthly magazine for members. Publishing six times a year with a mix of features, law and practice and news from the regions.

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Practice Support
Resolution Together

Resolution Together

Resolution Together is a way of working that allows lawyers to work with and advise couples jointly, including providing appropriate legal advice, through a divorce or separation.

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Summary of the roundtable - implications of a 'no deal' Brexit

On 6 March 2019 a select group of family lawyers came together in Resolution’s new offices to discuss the ‘mad riddle’ of Brexit, and the implications of a no deal scenario. Are there any positive possibilities on the horizon – the end of the EU Maintenance Regime perhaps? Or are we throwing away decades of careful co-operation, just as international elements of separation are on the rise? The debate may be academic by the time you are reading this, but the issues are likely to be in play one way or another for years to come.

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