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Practice Support
Resolution Together

Resolution Together

Resolution Together is a way of working that allows lawyers to work with and advise couples jointly, including providing appropriate legal advice, through a divorce or separation.

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The Review

The Review

The Review is Resolution's bi-monthly magazine for members. Publishing six times a year with a mix of features, law and practice and news from the regions.

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The Review

When fathers are mothers

Natalie Gamble and Kelly Blaxall examine the recent ruling of the President of the Family Division in Re TT [2019] EWHC 2384 and its significance one for transgender and non-binary parents who conceive children after transitioning in this article from The Review.

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The Review

Who are you talking to?

This fascinating workshop at the DR Conference 2019 explained how the left side and the right side of the brain process information in very different ways, so it can be well worth bearing in mind which aspect of the brain you want to talk to and with. James Carroll reports on it for The Review.

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Audio and podcasts

Re: L and the New Presidential Approach: Tips and tactics in parental alienation and intractable hostility

Anarkali Musgrave, barrister at Coram Chambers, acted for the children’s guardian in Re: L. She will discuss a general update on the case, including a look at parental alienation and the test for a change of residence before and after McFarlane LJ’s judgment. The talk will discuss timelines and features of litigation and help solicitors to identify cases of parental alienation and intractable hostility, and to determine which tactics to deploy during a matter.

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Audio and podcasts

Family Mediation Accreditation

Members of Resolution's DR Committee, Karen Barham (Barlow Robbins) and Mary Raymont (Advantage Mediation), discuss the process for becoming an accredited family mediator.

In particular, they cover: Routes to accreditation (focus on FMC route), deadlines to accreditation, FMCA requirements - new mediators, FMCA competencies - case studies, reflective report and observations, outcomes of the accreditation process.

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Audio and podcasts

Podcast: DR for the Next Generation: Mediation

In this podcast Joanna Blakelock, KGW Family Law, and David Emmerson, Anthony Gold, discuss how to develop your practice as a mediator. In particular, they discuss:

Skills of a mediator, how you apply them and how you approach the training, the involvement of experts in the mediation process, setting out the difference between legal information and legal advice to clients, how to approach safeguarding matters and how to explain mediation and other DR processes with clients in a first meeting.

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