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The Review

The Review

The Review is Resolution's bi-monthly magazine for members. Publishing six times a year with a mix of features, law and practice and news from the regions.

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Practice Support
Resolution Together

Resolution Together

Resolution Together is a way of working that allows lawyers to work with and advise couples jointly, including providing appropriate legal advice, through a divorce or separation.

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The Review

How will family law develop over the next 50 years?

Lady Hale’s speech on “What is a 21st century family” is a must read for any family practitioner. It provides a thorough summary of how the law has treated the concept of a “family” over the past 50 years and, by doing so, points forward to how it may develop. In this article for The Review Bethan Carr breaks down Lady Hale's speech.

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Practice Support

Consumer Rights Act 2015

The Consumer Rights Act 2015 has now come into force.

All mediators must be aware of the requirements of the new legislation as it sets out requirements for all traders and service providers. It covers all aspects of consumer rights and the responsibilities of traders and service providers. This includes, for example, unfair terms and cancellation fees. Mediators must comply with the legislation as it applies to all traders and service providers who charge a fee for their services.

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Practice Support

Common claim errors

The purpose of this document is to highlight the key Mediation claiming issues that continue to be identified by the LAA. By being aware of these issues a more focused approach can be adopted, so that Providers are more able to submit accurate claims. It should also be noted that these areas will be specifically scrutinised by the LAA during any future visits or audits.

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Complaints Handling Responses

What follows is a selection of comments made to practitioners and potential responses. These are not 'scripts' but ideas as it is also important that you say things in a way that is authentic to your speech and therefore for anyone you are speaking to.

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Complaints Handling Toolkit

Resolution members are all committed to working in a conciliatory way and adhering to the Code of Practice. This means that you should ensure that even when you are faced with a complaint (and possibly a very angry person), that your commitment does not vary from your normal professional approach.

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Practice Support

Changes to the State Pension

On 6 April 2016, radical changes are to be made to the state pension of which practitioners must be aware.

The current state pension scheme (“the current scheme”) applies to those already claiming their state pension and those who will reach state pension age prior to 6 April 2016.

The Pensions Act 2014 introduces a new state pension scheme (“the new scheme”) for those who will reach state pension age on or after 6 April 2016 (ie men born on or after 6 April 1951 and women born on or after 6 April 1953).

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Practice Support

How pension freedoms affect Pension Attachment Orders

The widely publicised pension freedoms were introduced on 6 April 2015 and brought with them a number of unexpected, and almost certainly unintended, consequences for family lawyers and their clients. One of the most concerning consequences is the effect of the freedoms on existing Pension Attachment Orders. This briefing addresses that specific issue.

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Guidance Notes

Guidance Note: Instruction of accountant experts to assist with tax and company valuation questions - Creating a firm foundation at first appointment

The aim of this guidance note is to make more efficient the process by which initial enquiries are made of experts and by which they are instructed. It is hoped that the precedents can become widely adopted as through familiarity these benefits will become enhanced. However it provides guidance on the most common questions and issues that arise, but with the warning to practitioners to focus on the specific needs of each case rather than a routine adoption of what can be no more than a model.

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Guidance Notes

Guidance Note: Preparing Pre- and Post-Marital Agreements

Marital agreements are becoming an everyday part of many family lawyers’ workload and it is in recognition of this increasing role that this guidance note on dealing with them has been revised. If these agreements are not a mainstay of your practice then it is important for you to consider instructing specialist counsel to provide an opinion on the content of the proposed agreement, review the advice you have given or draft the agreement itself.

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Guidance Notes

Guidance note: Disclosure in financial order cases

There is a fundamental principle that full and frank financial disclosure is needed in order for any consensus to be capable of forming a binding agreement, arbitral award and/or court order, irrespective of the process used to get there. This principle has been established for many years, although tested from time to time in the courts – sometimes with unexpected results. The law continues to develop.

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Guidance Notes

Guidance note: documents following the Family Procedure Rules 2010

The Family Procedure Rules (FPR) 2010 came into force on 6 April 2011 and made a number of changes to the way in which familiar documents need to be presented.
This practice guide is not intended to set out all of the forms that are in place. The list of forms is extensive, and we recommend that you make yourself aware of them. The purpose of this guide is to highlight the key points in relation to the requirements when finalising and submitting documents in relation to family proceedings. All references are to the FPR 2010, unless otherwise stated.

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