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The Review

The Review

The Review is Resolution's bi-monthly magazine for members. Publishing six times a year with a mix of features, law and practice and news from the regions.

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Practice Support
Resolution Together

Resolution Together

Resolution Together is a way of working that allows lawyers to work with and advise couples jointly, including providing appropriate legal advice, through a divorce or separation.

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The Review

Issue 221 Nov / Dec 2022

For every issue of The Review we will be publishing the articles here in the Knowledge and Resources section of our website as well as the pdf of the printed version.

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Guidance Notes

Guidance Note: Service of documents

Service of documents is a particularly sensitive area. It is sometimes essential that documents are served upon the other party personally, but this could inflame the situation and be counterproductive to the aims and ethos of the Resolution Code of Practice.

This guide looks at the issues and ways in which service of documents can be achieved in a constructive way, in order to avoid increasing the acrimony between the parties.

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Guidance Notes

Guidance Note: Instructing experts in proceedings involving children

The object of all dispute resolution is to clarify facts and narrow issues. The use of experts may be considered in child-related situations, including proceedings. Those involved in assisting parties, including the court, may be helped by an expert’s findings in relation to injuries or medical complaints, psychological problems including attachments, or even how children have reacted in a supervised contact centre.

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